Alexander Kroll Paintings
Alexander Kroll Paintings Oil, Acrylic, enamel and spandex on canvas
Hummingbirds and cinder blocks
Oil, Acrylic, enamel and spandex on canvas
60 x 40 inches
Alexander Kroll Paintings

Alexander Kroll Paintings

Alexander Kroll Paintings Oil on canvas
Frank O'hara
Oil on canvas
76 x 67 inches
Alexander Kroll Paintings Oil on Dyed Blue Linen
The Florist
Oil on Dyed Blue Linen
60 x 50
Alexander Kroll Paintings Oil, Acrylic and Ink on Canvas
Lips, Slips and Glass
Oil, Acrylic and Ink on Canvas
60 x 48 inches
Alexander Kroll Paintings

Alexander Kroll Paintings

Alexander Kroll Paintings
Alexander Kroll Paintings

Alexander Kroll Paintings

Alexander Kroll Paintings

Alexander Kroll Paintings

Alexander Kroll Paintings

Alexander Kroll Paintings

Alexander Kroll Paintings

Alexander Kroll Paintings

Alexander Kroll Paintings

Alexander Kroll Paintings

Alexander Kroll Paintings

Alexander Kroll Paintings

Alexander Kroll Paintings

Alexander Kroll Paintings

Alexander Kroll Paintings

Alexander Kroll Paintings

Alexander Kroll Paintings Flashe, Acrylic and Urethane on Canvas
The December Ocean
Flashe, Acrylic and Urethane on Canvas
70 x 63 inches
Alexander Kroll Paintings

Alexander Kroll Paintings Acrylic on Canvas
The Winter Ceiling
Acrylic on Canvas
60 x 50 inches